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This are the options that are passed to the config method. This options determine how the rules will be loaded and how resource matching should start from.

The config method takes in an object with possible five parameters, They include

  • filename: String
  • path: String
  • baseUrl: String
  • rules: Object
  • defaultRole: String
  • decodedObjectName: String
  • roleSearchPath: String


filename: <String> [optional]

This property holds the name of the file that contains the acl configurations. By default express-acl will look for nacl.json or nacl.yml in the root folder of your project. If you plan to change the name you can specify the name of your file in this property.

const options = {
  filename: 'anotherFile.json'


Its important to note that the filename should have an extension attached to it e.g .json or .yml.


path: <String> [optional]

This property specifies the location of the configuration file. By default the acl configuration file is located in the root folder of the project. However sometimes you may want to place this file among other configuration files of your project. You can achieve this by adding the location of the file relative to the root folder.

If the config folder is /server/config, then we can configure the path property as shown below.

const options = {
  filename: 'acl.json',
  path: 'server/config'


Basically what this means is that, you are instructing express-acl to go to the server/config folder and load the contents of acl.json.

File Type

Express acl supports two types of configuration syntax. JSON and yml. By default it uses JSON as its primary syntax, however you can change to whichever syntax that works for you. We detect the file extestion of your configuration file and apply the appropriate parser.

Base URL

baseUrl: <String> [required]

The base URL represent the prefix of your API. This can either be api,v1,/developer/v1 etc. This is important because express-acl will use this url to map the location of the resources. Take an example of the following url /api/users.

In this URL our resource is users, and the base URL being api. If we do not specify the base URL express will treat api as our resource instead of users.

const options = {
  filename: 'acl.yml',
  path: 'server/config',
  baseUrl: 'api'



rules: <String> [optional]

If you are not willing to use either json file or yml configuration you can pass the config method an array of rules. This can be rules saved in an external source such as database or a js file in your project.

const arrayOfRules = [
    group: 'admin',
    permissions: [
        resource: '*',
        methods: '*'
    action: 'allow'

const options = {
  baseUrl: 'api',
  rules: ArrayOfRules,
  yml: true


Default Role

defaultRole: <String> [optional]

If You have a user in your system who has not been assigned a role, you can specify a role that will be assumed if such users exist. By the default this module will assign guest as a default role. You can override this by using defaultRole property.

  yml: true,
  defaultRole: 'anonymous'

Search Path And Decoded Object Name

This two properties enable you to customize how and where your user role will be located in the request object. By default this module looks for req.decoded.role, However this might be the case with everyone. if your decoded object uses different format you can specify using the above properties.


Both of these properties are use to locate the role in your request object, therefore they cannot be used together. You can only use on of each in your configuration.

Decoded Object Name

decodedObjectName: <String> [optional]

You can use this method to specify the name of the object holding your user object, this can be user, session, etc. The default value for this is decoded.

  yml: true,
  decodedObjectName: 'user'

Search Path

roleSearchPath: <String> [optional]

In some cases your user object can have the role name nested deep into your object. With the above config this module will look for the role name in user.role. If your role is nested in you can specify this path as a search path so that this module can be able to find your role.

  yml: true,
  roleSearchPath: ''